Frequently Asked Questions

      • What types of cremation services do you offer?

    At Forget Me Not, we offer private pet cremations, ensuring that your pet is cremated individually, and you receive only their ashes. We also offer communal cremations, where your pet will be cremated with other pets and the ashes will not be returned. 

      • Will I receive only my pet’s ashes?

    Yes, at Forget Me Not, we guarantee that you will receive only your pet’s ashes. We take meticulous care to ensure that each pet is cremated individually, and their ashes are carefully collected and preserved for you to cherish. As fellow pet owners, we deeply empathise with the significance of ensuring your pet’s individual cremation. Rest assured; we have meticulously developed a system to guarantee this sacred process unfolds seamlessly.

        • Can I witness the cremation process?

      No, we advise not however, our serene and quiet room provides a peaceful space for you to say your final farewells to your beloved companion. We are with your pet every step of the way and ensure your pet is treated with dignity and care throughout the whole process.

          • How long does the cremation take and when can I take the ashes home?

        The duration of the cremation process can vary depending on factors such as the size of the pet and the type of cremation chosen. Generally, the process takes a few hours to complete. Your pet’s ashes would be ready to collect/ be returned with 4 – 5 days.

            • What happens during the cremation process?

          During the pet cremation process, your beloved companion is respectfully placed into a cremation chamber where they are exposed to high temperatures. These temperatures effectively break down the organic matter, leaving behind bone fragments. These fragments are then further processed into a fine ash known as cremains. 

              • How will the ashes be returned?

            We offer a range of beautiful urns, caskets or scatter tubes for you to choose from. Whether you prefer a simple and elegant design or something more ornate, we have options to suit every preference. Please see ‘Our Products’ page to view the range of vessels available. 

                • Can I visit your crematorium to say my final farewells to my pet?

              Of course you may, we understand the significance of saying goodbye to your beloved pet in person. Our crematorium offers a serene and quiet room where you can spend precious moments with your pet, saying your final farewells in a peaceful environment filled with love and dignity.

                  • How do I arrange for pet cremation services?

                Arranging for pet cremation services is simple. You can contact us directly to discuss your options and schedule a time for collection or bring your pet to our crematorium yourself. We’re here to guide you through the process with compassion and care. In the event of your pet’s passing at the veterinary clinic, please express your desire for their cremation to the attending veterinarian. This ensures that your pet’s final journey is entrusted to us. We offer collection 7 days a week.

                    • Do I need to leave my pet with the vet?

                  The choice is yours. We can collect your pet, with your permission, from the veterinary clinic or you can bring your pet to us.

                      • My pet is getting old/ isn’t well; can I discuss cremation with you prior to losing my pet?

                    Of course. Please do get in touch to discuss your options and please feel free to visit the crematorium to meet us in person.

                        • What happens if my pet dies at home?

                      If your beloved pet dies at home then we can either collect from you at a convenient time or you can personally bring your pet to us. Please contact us beforehand to arrange a suitable time.

                          • Do you arrange pet euthanasia at home?

                        Yes. We currently work with two local vets who offer euthanasia at home. Please call us and we will be more than happy to put you in contact with one of them.

                        If you have any further questions or queries please contact us or use the form below and we will get back to you.